and i get the browser all the way up and when i press the autorize on the webpage i open, but it fails on
O1::onTokenExchangeFinished: oauth_token or oauth_token_secret missing from response (i changed the url to go to https because flickr now tells you to )
@clogwog Thank you for your comments! It would be great if you could make Flickr work again, patches are most welcome! In the meanwhile, check out -- maybe you are running into the same issue?
GReat thanks, i see you have examples for twitter and facebook.
ReplyDeletedo you have a flickr example as well ?
connect(&flickerAuth, SIGNAL(linkedChanged()), this, SLOT(onLinkedChanged()));
connect(&flickerAuth, SIGNAL(linkingFailed()), this, SLOT(onLinkingFailed()));
connect(&flickerAuth, SIGNAL(linkingSucceeded()), this, SLOT(onLinkingSucceeded()));
connect(&flickerAuth, SIGNAL(openBrowser(QUrl)), this, SLOT(onOpenBrowser(QUrl)));
connect(&flickerAuth, SIGNAL(closeBrowser()), this, SLOT(onCloseBrowser()));
and i get the browser all the way up and when i press the autorize on the webpage i open, but it fails on
O1::onTokenExchangeFinished: oauth_token or oauth_token_secret missing from response
(i changed the url to go to https because flickr now tells you to )
ah.. a question.. : did you ever get the flickr part going ? if so do you have some test code i could try please ?
@clogwog Thank you for your comments! It would be great if you could make Flickr work again, patches are most welcome! In the meanwhile, check out -- maybe you are running into the same issue?